Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The waiting game continues...
Last day of the year, Christmas lights are down, due date is past, and no baby yet!
You know what they say, "good things don't come easy" and since Claire is the best thing that ever happened to us, I would not expect her to come in any other way.
On a different subject, Amy and I found out a couple of weeks ago that a lady and her daughter in our neighborhood has a tradition of awarding the best Christmas decorated houses in the neighborhood.  There are three categories:
1) Best use of white lights  
2) Most humorous display
3) Most creative & elegant
On the day after Christmas, they knocked on our door and informed us that we had won the award for category #3!  Here is our award:

Of course you are wondering how creative and elegant our house was, so here you go:
I'll take credit for the candy-cane like lights and Amy was in charge of the ornaments and the wreath.  We were very surprised and excited about the award and can't wait till next year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have seen a pic of your house. Nice Job!!! I would second that award! Tara